Analysis of records of the local spatial development plans for the coastal municipalities with regard to applicability in spatial planning for marine areas
Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 2016, Vol 31, Issue 1
Poland is preparing for the development of marine plans. In accordance with the demands stated in the MSP Directive on planning, a lot of attention is paid to the two-sided interactions between onshore and offshore areas. Coastal areas are very sensitive to various impacts, as well as the difficult subject of planning, yet it is of great significance to the development of marine areas with sustainable use and long-term benefits for the society. Therefore, plenty of issues must be taken into consideration during the course of the planning process.The main objective of this article is an attempt to present, on the basis of experiences gained in the Polish territories, which information may be useful in planning the land — sea relations within the scope of marine spatial planning. The resulting analysis of local plans for spatial development of coastal municipalities (lsdp) allows identification of vital factors stimulating or hampering development of the marine areas adjacent to these municipalities. It also provides background material to state whether it is possible or not to couple development of the municipalities with the marine resources. The Polish coast is covered with 190 local plans, related to a coastal zone or its closest vicinity. Particular municipalities show a different level of advancement in the preparation of their plans. There are numerous general records of very general nature, which do not precisely refer to a specific policy, but rather provide for certain investments or functions.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Faściszewski
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