Analysis of statics and dynamics of reinforced concrete beams using hypothetical model of substitute material
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2016, Vol 65, Issue 3
This paper contains the numerical analysis for reinforced concrete beam modelled with using a hypothetical model of the homogeneous substitute material. The static-strain-strength parameters of the substitute material for considered reinforced concrete beams were determined. Numerical static and dynamic analysis is presented in this work. Solution of the numerical static analysis was compared with the experimental Buckhouse’s (1997) results and other numerical results taken from literature. Solution of the numerical dynamic analysis was compared with experimental Emrich’s, Herter’s and Puffer’s (1982) results and other numerical results. The constant dynamic strength coefficient for hypothetical substitute material was taken into account in the dynamic analyzes.[b]Keywords[/b]: civil engineering, building structures, numerical analysis, reinforced concrete beams, beams from a homogeneous substitute material, statics, dynamics
Authors and Affiliations
Jarosław Siwiński, Adam Stolarski
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