Analysis of the individual philanthropist in the philosophical thought of the end XVIII – the beginnings of the XXI century

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5


Relevance of the study of philosophical and methodological foundations of charity driven need to understand the spiritual and moral responsibility for the way the new times of its formation and development, acquisition of new forms and most importantly – for its impact that it has on social human existence. Within issues аn attempt fragmentary to analyze the phenomenon of charity and basic motivational aspects of charity and philanthropic activity from ХVІІІ – up to the beginning of ХХІ of century was done. The figure of philanthropist is considered from position of his personalized factors of benefaction. Benefaction is described from positions of self-oriented blessing. Characterize different aspects of charity and social impacts from the perspective of non-traditional philosophical thoughts А. Maslow theory of social interest A. Adler, supporters of altruistic theories that reveal the personalized sense of charity. The author attempts to find out the rational and irrational component in moral goodness. A separate analysis focuses on the nature of moral constants charity from positions of altruism and selfishness.

Authors and Affiliations

Anastasiya Lyadneva


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How To Cite

Anastasiya Lyadneva (2015). Analysis of the individual philanthropist in the philosophical thought of the end XVIII – the beginnings of the XXI century. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 43-52.