Analysis on the Investment Policies in the Context of Sustainable Development

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 1


It is the opinion of all specialists that the most important (if not the only) means of achieving economic growth and development is through investments. Indeed, a durably developed economy cannot be conceived without the support from massive investments in all areas of activity: economic, social, cultural etc. Sustainable Development is the form of economic growth that satisfies the needs of the society, leading to general wellbeing in the short, medium and long term. It is based on the consideration that development must meet the current needs without jeopardising the capabilities of future generations to ensure their own development. The principle for sustainable development is based on the idea of ensuring a superior quality of life for each individual, and for future generations alike.

Authors and Affiliations

Carmen Judith GRIGORESCU


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How To Cite

Carmen Judith GRIGORESCU (2012). Analysis on the Investment Policies in the Context of Sustainable Development. Revista Romana de Statistica, 60(1), 45-48.