Anger and life satisfaction among Buddhists and Catholics in Poland and in Germany

Journal Title: Educational Psychology - Year 2015, Vol 49, Issue 7


The article presents the relationship between religion and anger and life satisfaction. A study was conducted among 51 Buddhists in Poland, 49 Buddhists in Germany, 48 Catholics in Poland and 51 Catholics in Germany. The following tools were used: the Aggression Questionnaire (AQ) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The findings show the importance of the cultural context for the relationship between religion, anger and life satisfaction. The religious groups from Poland – unlike the groups from Germany – differed from one another in the level of anger (it was higher in the Catholics) and in the level of life satisfaction (it was higher in Buddhists). Also, the German group of Catholics turned out to be more satisfied with their life than the Polish one. The study provides information on the emotional functioning of religious groups in different cultural contexts and points to the need to examine religious education in Polish schools.

Authors and Affiliations

Joanna Witowska, Anna Zajenkowska


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How To Cite

Joanna Witowska, Anna Zajenkowska (2015). Anger and life satisfaction among Buddhists and Catholics in Poland and in Germany. Educational Psychology, 49(7), 171-181.