Anthropogenic waste products utilization for old landfills rehabilitation


The paper presents remedial problems of old large sanitary landfills, particularly of embankments type. One of the main problems on a such kind landfills is to secure slope stability. The stability reinforcement methods consist of retaining walls, berms (constructed with selected waste materials), geogrids and mattress constructed of scraped tires. Metallurgical slag backfill material can be used for filters protection of leachate drainage and for technological roads construction on the landfill. The applied slope reinforcements and assurance of the proper performance of the leachate drainage in the landfill are of the greatest importance for the landfill slope stability and further use of landfill areas. Above mentioned aspects are described on the example of large landfill, localized nearby Warsaw. Radiowo landfill was founded in 1962, and now is at the end of the period of its operating and therefore remedial works have been undertaken there. In the future Radiowo landfill area will be adopted for recreation and sports purposes (view points, skiing, cycle roads, etc.).

Authors and Affiliations

Eugeniusz Koda


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How To Cite

Eugeniusz Koda (2012). Anthropogenic waste products utilization for old landfills rehabilitation. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 44(1), 73-87.