Antropogenetic and ontogenetic model of hemodynamics of providing somatic condition of a human being: general approaches and characteristics
Journal Title: Медицинский альманах - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 1
U-shaped character of ontogenetic dynamics of circulatory state of cardio vascular system is shown from the point of view of “anthropogenetic model”. These are clear manifestations of circulatory instability in pre-pubertat children with further distinct stabilization of circulatory state at first reproductive age (22-35 years) and permanently growing circulatory instability since the age of 36. Circulatory instability in children is predominantly implemented with optimal typological organization of blood circulation (type 1) and limited manifestation of circulatory restriction syndromes. Since the age of 36 circulatory instability grows permanently on the background of typologically nonoptimal state of circulation (type 3) and increasing manifestation of syndromes of circulatory restriction and insufficiency.
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