The 100th anniversary of creation of the quazi parliament in the form of the State Duma as the Lower Chamber and in general reorganized State Council as the Upper Chamber takes place in 2006 and is of great interest not...
This article outlines the original research concept developed and applied by the Voronezh
researchers, which brought both quantitative and qualitative results to the field of linguistic comparative research. Their monog...
EP ID EP652221
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Oksana Nachlik (1998). Антропологізація образy Богоматері в поемах "Гавриилиада" Пушкіна і "Марія" Шевченкa. ACTA POLONO-RUTHENICA, 1(0),
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Narodziny parlamentaryzmu rosyjskiego w latach 1905-1906 w oczach Polaków
The 100th anniversary of creation of the quazi parliament in the form of the State Duma as the Lower Chamber and in general reorganized State Council as the Upper Chamber takes place in 2006 and is of great interest not...
VIII Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa z cyklu "Rusycystyka europejska a współczesność"
Międzynarodowa konferencja naukowa we Wrocławiu "Wyraz i zdanie w językach słowiańskich, IV, (opis, konfrontacja, przekład)"
"Комедия в русской драматургии конца XX - начала XXI века", Светлана Гончарова-Грабовская, Минск 1999
Wspólnota semantyczno-leksykalna języków europejskich. O monografii: А.А. Кретов, О.М. Воевудская, И.А. Меркулова, В.Т. Титов, Единство Европы по данным лексики (Воронеж: Издательский дом ВГУ, 2016, ss. 413 [1])
This article outlines the original research concept developed and applied by the Voronezh researchers, which brought both quantitative and qualitative results to the field of linguistic comparative research. Their monog...