Apostołowie dowodem boskości Jezusa (Mt 10, 2)
Journal Title: Wrocławski Przegląd Teologiczny - Year 2014, Vol 0, Issue 2
In the paper, the idea and the functions of Apostles is discussed in the context of 1 st century Judaism. The main characteristics for the rabbis’ disci- ples are presented according Talmudic writings and the documents found in Qumran. It was found that it was not customary to appoint ‘messengers’ from among the disciples for any specifi c purpose apart of usual things that a mes- senger could do in the name of someone who sent him. Since the word “apos- tles” appears only once in the Matthew Gospel (which is proved to be the most ‘Jewish’ New Testament book) in the specifi c context, it could be considered as a remez (a hint) pointing out some important issue. In fact, three main func- tions assigned to Apostles by their Master, seen in Jewish context of 1 st century discipleship, were the clear evidence of Jesus’ divinity.
Authors and Affiliations
Mirosław Rucki
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