Application of microsensors to measure real wear time of removable orthodontic appliances

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2013, Vol 66, Issue 3


Introduction. Removable appliances belong to one of the orthodontic therapy forms, most frequently selected in the period of dentition exchange. The effectiveness of orthodontic treatment with such appliances is particularly dependent on patients’ cooperation. So far, since objective evaluation of such cooperation was not possible, questionnaire studies were used for this purpose. Nowadays, objective evaluation has become possible thanks to the introduction of microsensors. Aim of the study. To perform objective evaluation of cooperation of patients orthodontically treated with removable appliances. Material and methods. 45 children (20 boys and 25 girls) treated with different types of removable appliances were examined. The average age of the examined individuals was 9.2 years (8.9 years for boys and 10.6 years for girls). TheraMon microsensor measuring the temperature change was placed in each removable appliance. It was recommended that appliances should be worn for 9 hours every day. Readings were taken during every control visit with the use of special software. The results were subject to statistical analysis. Results. The average wear time of appliances during day and night was 8.3 hours (8.7 hrs for boys, 7.9 hrs for girls). Medical recommendations were followed by 50% of boys and 33.3% of girls. A statistically significant difference in compliance with medical recommendations with regard to patient’s gender was reported. Conclusions. The method of measuring the level of patient’s cooperation presented in the study may be helpful in modifying patients’ motivation. More importantly, objective measurement of cooperation will allow determining the extent of impact of current therapeutic procedures and/or patients’ cooperation on the treatment outcome. It will be a strong argument in discussion concerning the policy of reimbursement of orthodontic treatment in Poland.

Authors and Affiliations

Beata Kawala, Joanna Antoszewska, Michał Sarul, Anna Kozanecka


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How To Cite

Beata Kawala, Joanna Antoszewska, Michał Sarul, Anna Kozanecka (2013). Application of microsensors to measure real wear time of removable orthodontic appliances. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 66(3), 321-330.