Applying principles of neurolinguistic programming for teaching foreign languages


The article deals with the research of neurolinguistic programming as alternative approaches to the study of foreign lan- guages. The neurolinguistic programming allows opening new opportunities for the formation of students’ communicative com- petence and is based on the humanistic principles of pedagogical activity of the teacher, in the center of which is the student as a person; the method of modeling is proposed as the most effective way of correcting behavior, depriving of fear and success in different life situations; the system of the teacher's personal beliefs in relations with students is formed, the way of organization of the educational process is outlined and alternate ways of constructive solution of conflict situations during the educational activity are offered; demonstrates the application of the principle of neuro-linguistic programming in the study of various as- pects of the foreign language, and in studying grammar material in particular.

Authors and Affiliations

Л. М. Жигжитова


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How To Cite

Л. М. Жигжитова (2018). Applying principles of neurolinguistic programming for teaching foreign languages. Науковий часопис Національного педагогічного університету імені М. П. Драгоманова. Серія 5 Педагогічні науки: реалії та перспективи, 61(), 84-88.