Appraisal of the Choice of College among Management and Business Technology Freshman Students
Journal Title: International Journal of Advanced engineering, Management and Science - Year 2019, Vol 5, Issue 1
This paper aimed to investigate who influenced the 211 freshman students from the College of Management and Business Technology (CMBT) to take their course.Their influencers’ reasons for choosing the course and selecting the NEUST, San Isidro Campus (SIC) as their mother University. A survey questionnaire was the instrument utilized to gather data and descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, and weighted mean were the statistical tools used in analyzing and interpreting the gathered data. Findings have shown that the advice of the respondents' parents played a big role in their choice of a college course. As to their to their reasons for taking their course, the course they have chosen is popular to the majority of their acquaintances and they chose NEUST SIC because of its scholarships and grants, excellent teachers and quality education.
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Impact of Procedure Manual in a Cleaning Company
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