Architectural peculiarities of the residential spaces of theological educational institutions as based on the example of the Lviv Theological Seminary

Journal Title: Środowisko Mieszkaniowe - Year 2017, Vol 20, Issue 20


The article analyzes the architectural peculiarities that are common for residential space of theological educational institutions led by the Christian churches of the Byzantine rite, as based on the example of the architectural and space-planning organization of the Lviv Theological Seminary of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church, outlines the major factors that prevailingly influence the formation of theological seminary residential space, and provides recommendations for designing residential buildings, dining rooms and facilities for sports and recreation within the general residential space of theological educational institutions.

Authors and Affiliations

Victor Proskuryakov, Rostyslav Stotsko


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  • EP ID EP249980
  • DOI 10.4467/25438700ŚM.17.049.7670
  • Views 56
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How To Cite

Victor Proskuryakov, Rostyslav Stotsko (2017). Architectural peculiarities of the residential spaces of theological educational institutions as based on the example of the Lviv Theological Seminary. Środowisko Mieszkaniowe, 20(20), 74-80.