Ascaris Lumbricoides as a Rare Cause of Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Complications: Report of Two Cases and a Brief Review of the Literature

Journal Title: Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine - Year 2010, Vol 1, Issue 1


Ascaris is one of the most common parasitic infestations of the gastrointestinal tract which causes a variety of non-specifi c abdominal symptoms during the intestinal phase of the disease. In this phase the adult worms usually remain clinically silent. However, a bolus worms may result with intestinal obstruction, volvulus or even perforation. Also, several hepatobiliary and pancreatic complications such as biliary colic, gallstone formation, cholecystitis, pyogenic cholangitis, liver abscess and pancreatitis may occur occasionally. These complications results when the adult worm may migrate into the Vater’s ampulla and enter the bile tree. Real time ultrasonography may demonstrate the worm. Surgical intervention may be necessary for some case when medical treatment fails to overcome the hepatobiliary and pancreatic complications.

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  • EP ID EP97365
  • DOI 10.4328/JCAM.10.1.23
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How To Cite

(2010). Ascaris Lumbricoides as a Rare Cause of Hepato-Pancreatico-Biliary Complications: Report of Two Cases and a Brief Review of the Literature. Journal of Clinical and Analytical Medicine, 1(1), 50-53.