Asistenţa umanitară profitabilă. Studiu de caz parteneriatul european cu Republica Moldova

Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2010, Vol 18, Issue 12


The EU is the main contributor to the official development assistance funds that represent the main mechanism of aid given to of the underdeveloped countries. But is this instrument truly destined to help the poorest countries, or is it a method of raising the dependence towards the richer countries. Our paper will try to give an answer to this humanitarian dilemma using the European partnership of the Republic of Moldova.

Authors and Affiliations

Victor Negrescu


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How To Cite

Victor Negrescu (2010). Asistenţa umanitară profitabilă. Studiu de caz parteneriatul european cu Republica Moldova. Sfera Politicii, 18(12), 56-65.