Assessment of a Contamination of Crops of Sunflower by Means of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Journal Title: Людина та довкілля. Проблеми неоекології - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 3
Purpose. Evaluate the use kvadrokopteriv for evaluation of weed-infested crops of sunflower. Methods. Aerial survey using drones, object-oriented image analysis. Results. In the article are given the results of as-sessment of a contamination of crops of sunflower by results of decryption of the pictures made by means of the UAV in the visible range.It is shown that the best results of decoding of photo-images are received when using supervised classification by a method of the maximum plausibility. Conclusions. For improving of recognition of weeds and separation of their image from images of cultural plants it is expedient to use the object-oriented analysis.
Authors and Affiliations
A. B. Achasov, A. O. Sedov
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