Assessment of patient satisfaction carried out in the Hospital Emergency Department in Kraśnik

Journal Title: Polish Journal of Public Health - Year 2013, Vol 123, Issue 2


[b]Introduction.[/b] Knowledge about patients’ requirements during hospital stay is very important in the management of healthcare institutions. Studying the level of patients’ satisfaction is a good example of recognition of their expectations. [b]Aim.[/b] The aim of this study was to evaluate patients’ level of satisfaction with stay and service at the District Hospital Emergency Department of Autonomous Public Health Care Unit in Kraśnik (SPZOZ). [b]Material and methods.[/b] In December 2011, a survey was conducted among patients treated in the emergency department of the District Hospital Emergency Department in Kraśnik SPZOZ. The study was based on voluntarily completed anonymous patient satisfaction surveys. The survey consisted of 29 closed questions, grouped into seven thematic blocks (modules). [b]Results.[/b] The obtained results have given more than good overall result (4.56). Very good rating has been given to modules: admission to Hospital Emergency Department (HED), HED premises, nursing care, diagnosis, medical care. The worst scores have been given to the environment module, where the respondents expressed their dissatisfaction with hospital parking and the number of shops and service facilities in the hospital. [b]Conclusions.[/b] Patients of HED in Kraśnik positively assess the quality of care there. The study of satisfaction level of outpatients in the hospital is a good way to learn the strengths and weaknesses of the HED.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Kos, Agnieszka Dziewa, Bartłomiej Drop


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How To Cite

Marek Kos, Agnieszka Dziewa, Bartłomiej Drop (2013). Assessment of patient satisfaction carried out in the Hospital Emergency Department in Kraśnik. Polish Journal of Public Health, 123(2), 122-124.