Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 8, Issue 1
[b]Background. [/b]Post-mastectomy women are pessimistic about their life owing to a number of adverse changes in the upper limb and shoulder girdle on the operated side and the possibility of mental disturbances caused by a fear of disability, cancer relapse or death. Following a radical mastectomy, women indeed lead a stressful life. The stress may by caused by uncertainty about the efficacy of the treatment, cancer relapse anxiety, physical disability (limitation of motor function, lymphedema, decrease in musclepower), breast loss (half-woman complex), personal, family =, professional, and postoperative sequelae-related problems. All the above-mentioned situations have a deleterious effect on the women's psyche, which is dominated by fear of disability and death, anxiety, about their future life in society and family, meticulous analysis of their own medical case, distrust of medical staff, exaggerated sensitivity and reactions to the behaviour of those around them and everyday problems. The aim of this study was to assess the quality of life of post-mastectomy women.[b]Material and method. [/b]The study group consisted of thirty women after mastectomy from the 'Amazons' Post-Mastectomy Women's Club in Wroclaw. The patients filled in a sixty-question inquiry form.[b]Conclusions. [/b]According to subjective evaluation, breast amputation was followed by different degrees of deterioration of the quality of life for the majority of the patients (82% of the study group). Mastectomy forced the women to give up active ways of spending their free time, which were replaced by passive pursuits, and to completely abandon some of their housework.
Authors and Affiliations
Waldemar Andrzejewski, Krzysztof Kassolik, Monika Ochrymowicz, Katarzyna Pawłowska
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