Attachment patterns and aggressive behaviours in adolescents suffering from mixed disorders of conduct and emotions

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2011, Vol 45, Issue 5


Summary Aim. The paper presents results of research concerning attachment patterns and aggressive behaviours in adolescents suffering from mixed disorders of conduct and emotions. Method. Both the clinical and the control group completed Parental Bonding Instrument and Polish version of Buss-Durkee Inventory. The first questionnaire measures parental style as perceived by the child, it consists of two scales: care and control. The second one measures some dimensions of aggression. Results. The study revealed that adolescents from the clinical group perceive their parents as less protective than the control. It showed very weak relations between relations with the parents and expression of aggression. These results are discussed. Conclusions. The basic conclusion is that there are differences between groups in family functioning – adolescents from the clinical group received less protection from their parents what may influence their behaviours aimed at providing them more safety. Results concerning the relation between family relations and aggression indicate that future research must take into consideration other social relations of adolescents.

Authors and Affiliations

Grzegorz Iniewicz, Dominika Wiśniewska, Karolina Dziekan, Agnieszka Czuszkiewicz


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How To Cite

Grzegorz Iniewicz, Dominika Wiśniewska, Karolina Dziekan, Agnieszka Czuszkiewicz (2011). Attachment patterns and aggressive behaviours in adolescents suffering from mixed disorders of conduct and emotions. Psychiatria Polska, 45(5), 703-711.