OBJECTIVE In April 2009 the first cases of novel influenza A H1N1 were registered in Mexico, since when the disease spread rapidly worldwide, becoming a pandemic. This paper describes the clinical features and course of...
Η θεραπεία των ασθενών με χρονία μυελογενή λευχαιμία (ΧΜΛ) δεν βελτιώθηκε σημαντικά στη δεκαετία του 1990. Σήμερα, είναι ευρέως αποδεκτό ότι η θεραπεία με αλλογενή μεταμόσχευση μυελού των οστών μπορεί να επιφέρει ίαση, α...
This paper reviews “quality" in medical practice and in the provision of health services. Quality in the health sector can be defined as the provision in an efficient way of necessary and effective health care which sati...
Scientific medicine is characterized by a theoretical framework (theory of medicine), which is rational, and the deployment in this framework of knowledge that derives from science. Genuine scientific medicine is, by its...
Preliminary analysis of adult patients with 2009 H1N1 influenza hospitalized in a University Department in Athens, May-August 2009
OBJECTIVE In April 2009 the first cases of novel influenza A H1N1 were registered in Mexico, since when the disease spread rapidly worldwide, becoming a pandemic. This paper describes the clinical features and course of...
Αναστολέας της κινάσης της τυροσίνης<br /> Μια νέα αιτιολογική θεραπεία για τη χρονία μυελογενή λευχαιμία
Η θεραπεία των ασθενών με χρονία μυελογενή λευχαιμία (ΧΜΛ) δεν βελτιώθηκε σημαντικά στη δεκαετία του 1990. Σήμερα, είναι ευρέως αποδεκτό ότι η θεραπεία με αλλογενή μεταμόσχευση μυελού των οστών μπορεί να επιφέρει ίαση, α...
Quality issues in medical practice and in health services
This paper reviews “quality" in medical practice and in the provision of health services. Quality in the health sector can be defined as the provision in an efficient way of necessary and effective health care which sati...
Knowledge-based medicine
Scientific medicine is characterized by a theoretical framework (theory of medicine), which is rational, and the deployment in this framework of knowledge that derives from science. Genuine scientific medicine is, by its...
Refractory οsteomalacia secondary to celiac disease
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