Autoprezentacja 2.0. O sposobach (re)konstruowania wizerunku w przekazach multimodalnych – przyczynek do opisu zjawiska
Journal Title: Socjolingwistyka - Year 2018, Vol 32, Issue
The purpose of this paper is to show the ways of using virtual space for auto-presenting activities and identifying the mechanisms of creating an image in media mediated multimodal communications based on their example. According to the assumption accepted, self-presentation actions have the character of a communication game in which at least one participant is trying to make the desired impression on others. A three-layer model of analysis has been used to describe them, referring to Ludwig Wittgenstein’s concept of language games. After presenting the theoretical and methodological assumptions, an analysis of extracts of the contents of the official Facebook sites belonging to Beata Szydło and Angela Merkel was carried out. The research material, narrowed down to linguistic and imaging messages, was subjected to a view that was of an interdisciplinary nature, integrating concepts from social psychology, communication sciences, sociology and comparative media linguistics.
Authors and Affiliations
Kinga Zielińska
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