Ayurvedic Drug Doses in Children- A Literary Review


A branch of Ayurveda which deals with the diseases of children and their treatment is Kaumarbhritya. In pediatric patients, dose fixation is a difficult job for both Ayurvedic as well as Allopathic physicians. In Any medical science, success of treatment depends upon diagnosis, selection of drug, fixation of dose and time of administration. The pediatric dosing system has been well explained by Acharya Kashyapa who is the pioneer of Ayurvedic pediatric medicine. In different treaties of Ayurveda, the Matra (Dose) of a drug has been mentioned. In ancient era, the technology was not evolved so the Ayurvedic physicians were using different Matra for different dosage forms and the dose was fixed considering the following factors such as age, Satva, Prakriti, Bala etc. This article is aimed to understand the view of ancient sages related to pediatric drug doses from different Ayurvedic classics.

Authors and Affiliations

Vd. Patil Yogesh Tukaram


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How To Cite

Vd. Patil Yogesh Tukaram (2017). Ayurvedic Drug Doses in Children- A Literary Review. EIJO Journal of Ayurveda, Herbal Medicine and Innovative Research (EIJO – AHMIR), 2(4), 5-9. https://europub.co.uk./articles/-A-423074