Badania symulacyjne wibroizolowanych torowisk tramwajowych
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2017, Vol 208, Issue 6
The article discusses simulation studies of vibroisolated tram tracks on the example of Silesian agglomerations. The numerical model of the substrate was developed and the vibration simulation was performed in the case of vibroisolation of tram tracks and the track laid on the concrete substrate. The measurements of vibrations made earlier were used as a input to the numerical model. A simulation and comparison of the results was made for the construction of a building near the track. The results of the simulation confirm the validity of the use of vibroisolation with elastomeric materials whose physico-mechanical properties are properly examined and the physical and geometrical parameters properly selected.
Authors and Affiliations
Jan Adamczyk, Maciej Hebda
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