"Banquet" as a form representation of the social and ethical norms of Roman society in the Empire period
Journal Title: Вісник Дніпропетровського університету. Серія Історія та археологія. - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
Gastronomic tradition has been very important part of the daily lives of ancient Romans. It reflected both the features of life and overall social development of the Roman Empire. One of the forms of representation gastronomic tradition in Ancient Roman was a banquet. It as a special element of social life in Roman society was complex, because the idea of a good dinner included not only food as such, but also special ways of cooking and processing, music, games and conversation. Joint banquet as part of the gastronomy and general culture of Ancient Rome was a form of a small social group communication and consolidation. The main role of joint banquet was to create the illusion of democratic solidarity of members of one community. The article deals with banquet as one of the aspects of the study of the history of gastronomy culture of Ancient Rome. It is proved that the information enhances the study of culture and daily life of Ancient Rome.
Authors and Affiliations
Maryna Yevdokymova
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