Base of support in babies with central origin movement disorders
Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2011, Vol 11, Issue 2
The development of infantile cerebral palsy (IPC) precedes movement disorders of central origin (MDCO). In early rehabilitation of the children at risk of IPC, not only early diagnosis, but also the assessment of posture and movement patterns in these children is essential. The purpose of this study was to assess the load distribution in the base of support in infants with MDCO while assuming the supine and prone position, in the context of suspension response evaluation in these infants.The sample included 14 infants with MDCO and 8 healthy infants. The size and arrangement of the base of support was studied on the special platform, in the infants assuming the prone and supine positions. The values of the size of the base of support as the percentage of the front or back body surface as well as load distribution in the right, left, upper and lower body were calculated.In younger infants, the arrangement of the support base of in recumbent position was found to be asymmetric. The asymmetry was more pronounced in the supine position and definitely larger in MDCO infants. Also a bigger load applied on the lower body was observed, especially in the prone position.Bigger asymmetry in both positions was noted in MDCO infants as compared to healthy infants; in the supine position, the tendency to apply bigger load on the lower body was observed.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Czupryna, Grzegorz Serkies, Janusz Nowotny
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