Bezpieczeństwo i zagrożenia współczesnej rodziny – wybrane zagadnienia
Journal Title: Przedsiębiorstwo i region - Year 2016, Vol 0, Issue 8
The family is an interesting subject of research in many fields of science: psychology, economics, politics, history, demography, ethnology and sociology in particular. It has long been of interest, reflection philosophers, scientists, representatives of various religions, writers. The family is an institution of general human occurring in all ages and cultures, and is an integral part of any society is its most important and fundamental group unit. From the moment of the emergence of sociology as an independent scientific field, to this day the family is the subject of systematic research. This material presents selected issues regarding. Dangers Polish family. There have been queries literature and analysis of the collected shave being available statistics and data.
Authors and Affiliations
Antoni Olak, Karolina Olak
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