In a post-transformational socio-economic situation, urban policy is mainly shaped by two dimensions:
a young and relatively weak democracy; and a strong, economically- driven neoliberal policy,
which is not balanced by...
This article addresses the question: How have the politics of memory, collective memory, and historical
culture influenced the shaping of a city’s urban space and image? The analysis carried out
so far shows that the way...
As the title suggests, this article characterizes the systemic transformation of the Polish economy
from the perspective of the institutional diversity of capitalism (i.e., Varieties of Capitalism).
It synthetically pres...
Celem eseju jest omówienie pracy Piotra Kulasa pt. Inteligenckość zaprzeczona. Etos i tożsamość młodych inteligenckich elit w kontekście dorobku polskich badań nad samowiedzą inteligencji oraz analiz przemian znaczenia,...
This article discusses the symptoms of the crisis in public debate in Poland as an aggressive confrontation of liberal and conservative power elites. The language practices of stigmatising and excluding opponents express...
Młoda demokracja a neoliberalna polityka miejska
In a post-transformational socio-economic situation, urban policy is mainly shaped by two dimensions: a young and relatively weak democracy; and a strong, economically- driven neoliberal policy, which is not balanced by...
Polityki pamięci i tożsamości wobec (nie)chcianego dziedzictwa. Od Gdańska do Gdańzigu
This article addresses the question: How have the politics of memory, collective memory, and historical culture influenced the shaping of a city’s urban space and image? The analysis carried out so far shows that the way...
Polska transformacja w perspektywie różnorodności kapitalizmu
As the title suggests, this article characterizes the systemic transformation of the Polish economy from the perspective of the institutional diversity of capitalism (i.e., Varieties of Capitalism). It synthetically pres...
W poszukiwaniu straconego etosu. Uwagi na temat książki Piotra Kulasa Inteligenckość zaprzeczona. Etos i tożsamość młodych inteligenckich elit, Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Scholar 2017.
Celem eseju jest omówienie pracy Piotra Kulasa pt. Inteligenckość zaprzeczona. Etos i tożsamość młodych inteligenckich elit w kontekście dorobku polskich badań nad samowiedzą inteligencji oraz analiz przemian znaczenia,...
Kryzys debaty publicznej w polskiej demokracji a pop-polityka
This article discusses the symptoms of the crisis in public debate in Poland as an aggressive confrontation of liberal and conservative power elites. The language practices of stigmatising and excluding opponents express...