Bilateral implantations – own experience
Journal Title: Polski Przegląd Otorynolaryngologiczny - Year 2013, Vol 2, Issue 4
Cochlear implants programme in Pozna ń started in 1994 and till now consists of over 1020 systems (including 29 hybrid ones). Bilateral implantations were done in 25 patients, including 5 simultaneous and 20 sequential implantations. Simultaneous implantations were performed in 3 cases with radiological symptoms of cochlea fi brosis/ossifi cation (meningitis, temporal bone trauma) and in 2 cases due to vision loss in Usher syndrome. Sequential implantations were performed in 3 adults (in 2 due to intensive tinnitus, in 1 to improve sound localisation) and in 17 children (in 1 due to vision loss, in 2 due to skin fl ap problems and in 14 to improve sound localisation and speech discrimination in noise). The time interval between surgeries in the group of 14 children was 1 year 7 months till 12 years 4 months (average 3 years 10 months). All the children in this group use both devices for all the time – from the speech processor switch-on they used second device for the whole day. More observations and rehabilitation results are required to acquire experience from bilateral implantations in small children in the developmental age.
Authors and Affiliations
Michał Karlik, Jolanta Kociemba, Bożena Wiskirska-Woźnica , Witold Szyfter, Hanna Czerniejewska, Alicja Sekula, Magdalena Kałos, Olgierd M. Stieler, Łukasz Borucki, Wojciech Gawęcki , Renata Gibasiewicz, Maciej Wróbel
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