
In the article it is illustrated by theocratic ideas of St. Augustine that the political thought in the Middle Ages was closely connected with theology. According to Augustine the course of human history is determined by Divine Providence and is a struggle between Good and Evil. Deity is just a source of goodness, the evil emerges of free will of a human. In accordance with the struggle between Good and Evil the World History is divided into two directions: God ’s believers build the City of God, Satan’s followers build secular terrestrial State. In his teachings of two Cities Augustine comes out of the theory of the unity of the human being. He explains that the main principle of the political thought of the Middle Ages which has been reflected in the XIII century is theocracy, superiority of supreme value – God – over the ideas of government and identity embraced as values. Augustine emphasized that all kingdoms on Earth are under the authority of God. Augustine tried to distinguish between the running of the country from the point of view of Christian governor and usual terrestrial lords. In terms of the City of God the happiness of the lords consists in that they rule for a long while, die a natural death transferring power to sons, to conquer the enemy countries, to placate or avoid rebellions. Another matter is mission and responsibilities of the Christian emperors which belong to the Kingdom of God. Augustine said we call them happy if they rule fair, fear and worship God, use the power to widespread respect for God and serving His Majesty. It is noted that Augustine attributed to the Christian rulers such qualities as modesty in the manner, a desire to rule over bad inclinations rather than the heathen, offering sacrifices of humility for the sins to God, repentance and prayer. Augustine sure that those people who are truly pious and lead a Christian life, should master the art of managing nations. If by the grace of God they get power, it would be the best for mankind. It is proved, that the theocratic principle, that was, in its own way, formulated and justified in the teachings of Augustine, was being gradually approved in practical life, along with the strengthening of the church. Was analyzed the condition of papal power in the Middle Ages. During this period in a sense in the medieval Holy Roman Empire embodied theologically understandable state model of Augustine. This is a Christian nation that is at the same time a secular state. Inevitable inconsistencies of secular and Christian elements of this kind of state led to difficulties, namely, to the constant struggle between the Emperor and the Pope, that took place with varying success. Widespread in the Middle Ages got another image, that is known as the theory of two swords. The sword symbolized power. The theory of two swords is known in different interpretations. In the interpretation of the church, Christ gives to spiritual (church) leader two swords as symbols of spiritual and secular power. And the spiritual lord himself, gives one of the swords to the secular ruler and therefore has superiority over him.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Жданенко


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  • EP ID EP181512
  • DOI 10.21564/2075-7190.32.101686
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How To Cite

С. Жданенко (2017). BLESSED AUGUSTINE’S THEOCRATIC IDEAS AND THEIR MEDIEVAL IMPLEMENTATIONS. Вісник Національного юридичного університету імені Ярослава Мудрого. Серія: філософія, філософія права, політологія, соціологія, 1(32), 53-63.