Bolków nad jeziorem Świdwie. Nowe materiały kultury ahrensburskiej
Journal Title: Materiały Zachodniopomorskie - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue
This article discusses some results of excavations carried out on the Bolków 1 site at Lake Świdwie in West Pomerania in 2006–2011. In the highest part of the lake terrace platform were three localized, spatially isolated campsites linked to the Late Palaeolithic. Apart from flint artefacts, lithic ones and animal bones, there were also pit features, including a possible human cremation burial. The camps are associated with the western variety of lowland groups with tanged points, the so-called Ahrensburgian. Based on radiocarbon analysis the camps were dated respectively to the beginning of the Younger Dryas (campsite 2), middle part of the Younger Dryas (campsite 3), and the end of this period (campsite 1)
Authors and Affiliations
Tadeusz Galiński
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