Budowa i wiek wyższej terasy Kamionki na odcinku Suchedniów–Rejów (Sediments and age of Kamionka River higher terrace between Suchedniów and Rejów)
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2017, Vol 106, Issue
The structure, texture and age of the sediments of the higher (5–12 m) terrace of the Kamionka river between Suchedniów and Rejów are presented. These horizontal and cross-bedded sandy-gravel channel alluvia were accumulated by a braided river during the end of the Wartanian stadial (TL datings: 127–119 ka). Their grain size and structure differ in the wide and narrow sections of the valley, which was caused by changes of flow energy and differentiation of sedimentological fluvial subenvironments. Alluvia were covered by very coarse colluvia in the gap section. Dunes formed on top of the terrace in the Vistulian (climatic factor) and the last centuries (anthropogenic factor).
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Kalicki, Paweł Przepióra, Łukasz Podrzycki
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