Building the external image of the employer of choice on the example of Citi Bank Handlowy
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
Employer branding is now regarded as one of the significant factors in the success of the organization. A strong brand, good reputation and high level of commitment of employees, positions the company among ideal employers, helps to attract and retain valuable and talented employees, and thus allows to obtain a competitive advantage and achieve higher profits. Activities in the area of conscious image building of the employer of choice start to supply more often range of practices supporting human resources man-agement in organizations operating on the Polish market. Enterprises increas-ingly are beginning to invest in their image, developing and implementing strategies for employer branding, using a variety of innovative tools. The aim of this study was to present the idea of employer branding on the example of the activities of the external image building of the employer of choice in Citi Bank Handlowy.
Authors and Affiliations
Sylwia Stachowska, Agata Zielińska
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