Business support institutions, small and medium enterprises - cooperation, evaluation, barriers and future plans
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
The subject of the article is to present and evaluate current business envi-ronment cooperation (BEI) with companies from small and medium enterprises sector (SMEs) in the region of Lublin. It also has presented barriers and future plans of those businesses. The research was conducted among selected business environment (61 BEI) and enterprises from the SME sector (250 companies) op-erating in the Lublin province in May and June 2009. Only 75 companies and 16 institutions from business environment have responded to the survey. Conducted research shows that tested institutions direct their offers to mi-cro, small and medium businesses. Only 41.3% examined companies have used support offer by IOB. Entrepreneurs, who never used those services, mainly haven’t sought for it. What concerns the most is fact that only 50% of surveyed companies have planned future co-operation in information, education or con-sulting field. Business support institutions face some barriers while providing their ser-vices. IOB are afraid of lack of the financial resources. They do not have sufficient funds expand the range of services. However, the biggest barrier for entrepre-neurs is the lack of information about the services offered by IOB. They believe IOB offer is not advertised enough within beneficiary’s environment. Another, equally important barrier is a long and difficult procedure, prior to providing the service. Entrepreneurs show that cooperation with business institutions could be better and more efficient. They don’t fully benefit from what these institutions offer.
Authors and Affiliations
Bartłomiej Gęca
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