Carboxilic acids of Nigella Sativa and N. Damascenа seeds
Journal Title: Український біофармацевтичний журнал - Year 2019, Vol 60, Issue 3
Topicality. Despite the use of seeds of several species of Nigella L. genus in different countries folk medicine and the availability of experimental data on their ability to detect a number kinds of biological activity, these plants raw materials are not included to Ukrainian and worlds’ Pharmacopoeias. There are no medicines including components of Nigella seeds in the “State Register of Medicinal Products of Ukraine” (2019). Scientific data on carboxylic acids content in raw material of these plants is limited mainly by the component composition of main fatty acids, so the relevance of such studies is beyond doubt. Aim. To analyze the component composition and content of carboxylic acids in seeds of two representatives of the Nigella genus – N. damascena and N. arvensis. Materials and methods. The raw materials were harvested from plants grown on the territory of the Ternopil region. Investigations were conducted by the chromato-mass-spectrometric method. The Agilent Technologies 6890 N gas chromatograph with 5973 N mass spectrometry detector was used. Results and discussion. There were detected 15 fatty acids in N. arvensis seeds and 14 in N. damascena seeds. Unsaturated oleic and linoleic fatty acids prevailed in the raw materials of both species; their total content was 85095 mg/kg in the N. arvensis s and 101139 mg/kg in the N. damascena seeds. The presence of levulinic, succinic, malic, 10-oxo-8-decenic and citric acid were established among aliphatic acids of both species. Among the aromatic compounds, benzoic acid was found in the raw materials of both species (132 mg/kg in N. arvensis and 1167 mg/kg in N. damascena), whereas phenylacetic acid and 2-amino-3-methoxybenzoic acid were found only in N. damascena seeds (1504 mg/kg and 232 mg/kg, respectively). Conclusions. The contents of 22 carboxylic acids in the seeds of N. arvensis and N. damascena were established by chromato-mass-spectrometric method. Due to the high content of unsaturated fatty acids and aromatic acids, N. damascena seeds can be considered as a more promising potential source of anticholosterinemic, antioxidant and antiseptic medicines compared to N. arvensis.
Authors and Affiliations
M. I. Shanaida
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