Cardiac device infective endocarditis
Journal Title: W Dobrym Rytmie - Year 2012, Vol 4, Issue 25
The dynamic development of electrotherapy in recent years has increased the number of complications associated with CIED implantation (Cardiovascular Implantable Electronic Devices). Infectious complications are the most dangerous, especially cardiac device-related infective endocarditis (CDIE – Cardiac device infective endocarditis). The frequency of CDIE is estimated at 1.82/1000/year for first implantations and at 5.32 /1000/year for replacement. Approximately 20% of all infections complications is CDIE. Symptoms associated with CDIE are usually uncharacteristic and proper identification of this disease is often a diagnostic problem. Infection complications risk factors associated with implantations/ replacement of CIED are identified. Treatment of choice is removal of infected electrodes and the device, preferably percutaneously, unless there are indications to do cardiac surgery removal.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Jacek Kuśnierz
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