Change Management in the Organizational Culture of Small and Medium Enterprises

Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 3


In small firms bear the image and likeness organizational culture owner, in particular, the manager responsible and empowered. His attitudes are reflected cultural acts willingly or unwillingly in his handful of employees. Usually in small Romanian firms no hierarchical managerial levels, the manager overseeing ordering and direct all business moments: sizing production, establishing processes, adaptation work program, involving all resources, pricing, customer handling, etc.. Of such management can arise only an organizational culture focused on generating for patron satisfaction and generating a climate of goodwill. In most cases, the employer wants to strand anything that moves, wants to be consulted on any matter that requires the least decision-making process is relatively lenient with some initiatives, which obviously have resulted in tangible benefits. Is the classical image of Taylorist culture, the employee is valued and paid to the way in meeting the requirements and tasks, all aspects of planning, organizing, training, coordination, control and evaluate the preserve manager. In such a context are quite a few situations where personal whims become observable components of organizational culture specific small businesses.

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How To Cite

Mircea UDRESCU, Constantin CODERIE, JANUSZ GRABARA (2012). Change Management in the Organizational Culture of Small and Medium Enterprises. Revista Romana de Statistica, 60(3), 11-14.