Characteristics of the microvascular bed of rats’ testis exposed to electromagnetic field and using immunomodulator
Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2017, Vol 22, Issue 3
As a result at studies performed there were defined morphofunctional changes in the structyre of microvascular bed of rats’ testes, exposed to electromagnetic field during 30-45 days, later they were receiving 7% Echinacea purple tincture. It was established that in these experimental terms the structure of testicular vessels was significantly different by morphologic structure. On the day 30 in the structure of microhemocirculatory bed of testes there was defined an insignificant blood-filling of the venous bed. There were neither spasms of arteries, which formed cellular structure in the testicular tissue, no edematous signs. On the day 45 of the experiment in the testes of the irradiated rats there was noted more expressed bifurcation of arterial vessels and decrease of blood-filling of veins without expressed venous stasis. With the increase of irradiation term by electromagnetic field up to 45 days and usage of Echinacea purpura tincture there were noted reverse phenomena in hemacicrulatory bed of rats’ testes in the form of widening of arterial chain of vessels and narrowing of venons chain of the vessels; this led to increase of index of medium diameter of seminal tubules and subsequently, to the increase of the total area of spermatogenous tissue of rats.
Authors and Affiliations
Ye. N. Sharapova
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