Chemical composition and content of selected heavy metals in the wood of common sea buckthorn (Hippohaë rhamnoides L.) growing in the coastal regions of the Baltic Sea


The investigations were carried out on the common sea buckthorn (Hippohaë rhamnoides L.) growing in the coastal areas of the Baltic Sea. The performed analyses comprised the determination of the basic chemical composition and selected heavy metals. For comparative purposes, investigations were also conducted on wood of the common sea buckthorn growing in urban conditions, namely in the city of Poznań. On the basis of the performed experiments it was found that the content of cellulose in the examined material ranged from 33.6 to 39.3% with the highest values determined in the wood of bushes growing in urban conditions. In addition, considerable differences were also observed in the lignin content in the compared samples, whereas the concentration of pentosans remained at the level of 18% irrespective of the place of sample collection. Concentrations of the examined heavy metals did

Authors and Affiliations

Włodzimierz Prądzyński, Bogusława Waliszewska, Anna Szulc, Magdalena Zborowska


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How To Cite

Włodzimierz Prądzyński, Bogusława Waliszewska, Anna Szulc, Magdalena Zborowska (2010). Chemical composition and content of selected heavy metals in the wood of common sea buckthorn (Hippohaë rhamnoides L.) growing in the coastal regions of the Baltic Sea. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum Silvarum Colendarum Ratio et Industria Lignaria, 9(1), 45-51.