Chronic paraprosthesis infection after allohernioplasty

Journal Title: Медичні перспективи - Year 2016, Vol 21, Issue 4


Nowadays allohernioplasty is widespread around the world, However, it is accompanied with acute and chronic inflammation developing around the prothesis. In such a situation it is very important to decide either delete or save the mesh. We observed 11 patients with skin-prosthetic fistulas existing for 1-6 years. Sanation and irradiation of the fistula with ultraviolet nitrogen laser having a bactericide effect. (Pn - 2,5-5 mWt; t= 2 min; W- 1,5-3 J/sm2) was carried out, 10 patients underwent operation. In two cases there was done partial excision of the prosthesis within the integrated parts. In 8 of 10 patients complete removal of the prothesis with a wide dissection of infected tissues was performed. 4 patients underwent realloprosthesing. For irradiation of the operation wound carbon dioxide laser (wave of the length 10.6 µm, the power of radiation 25W, the exposure of 1 sm2, wound surface – within 1 sec) was used in all patients during the operation. In 9 of 10 operated patients with chronic infection around the prosthesis recovery occurred 6 months after reimplantation, in 1 case a new fistula was formed.

Authors and Affiliations

Yu. I. Kalish, L. Z. Ametov, A. R. Shayusupov, S. Kh. Yigitaliev, M. K. Kabulov


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How To Cite

Yu. I. Kalish, L. Z. Ametov, A. R. Shayusupov, S. Kh. Yigitaliev, M. K. Kabulov (2016). Chronic paraprosthesis infection after allohernioplasty. Медичні перспективи, 21(4), 62-66.