The article presents the most important research perspective regarding women’s and
girls’ diary writing in English, French and Polish. The analysis discusses major works on
the women’s autobiographical writing, monograph...
The article comments on the amazing enthusiasm generated by the now popularised
concept of “hygge” from Denmark. The so-called Danish secrets to happiness have been
brought into vogue in Poland as well as other countries...
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the international dimension of the Polish
politics of memory executed by commemorative and anniversary resolutions of the Sejm of
the Republic of Poland. The adopted resoluti...
The article presents the patriotic project of Vilhem Andersen, one of George Brandes’s
opponents and critics of the modern breakthrough. Andersen’s main medium were literary
biographies, which he had the ambition to use...
Tylko dzienniki. Diarystyka kobieca jako przedmiot badań w Polsce i za granicą
The article presents the most important research perspective regarding women’s and girls’ diary writing in English, French and Polish. The analysis discusses major works on the women’s autobiographical writing, monograph...
Projekty krytyki, ciała podmiotów, przestrzenie wierszy
The Hygge Phenomenon. Between a Lifestyle and Nationalism
The article comments on the amazing enthusiasm generated by the now popularised concept of “hygge” from Denmark. The so-called Danish secrets to happiness have been brought into vogue in Poland as well as other countries...
Konfliktowe rocznice – wymiar międzynarodowy polskiej polityki pamięci na przykładzie wybranych uchwał rocznicowych Sejmu Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej
The main purpose of the article is to analyze the international dimension of the Polish politics of memory executed by commemorative and anniversary resolutions of the Sejm of the Republic of Poland. The adopted resoluti...
Na przekór przełomowi nowoczesnemu. O projekcie patriotycznym Vilhelma Andersena
The article presents the patriotic project of Vilhem Andersen, one of George Brandes’s opponents and critics of the modern breakthrough. Andersen’s main medium were literary biographies, which he had the ambition to use...