Classificação: uma análise comparativa entre a Classificação Decimal Universal - CDU e a Classificação Decimal de Dewey – CDD
Journal Title: BIBLOS: Revista do Instituto de Ciencias Humanas & da Informacao - Year 2011, Vol 25, Issue 2
The classification stems from the need of the individual while making accessible knowledge, and that this accessibility is realized we must have the information organized for possible recovery of the same. Thus, we view the classification as an act of sorting, grouping, or distribution in classes or categories from the perspective of an order and method. The work aims to build a comparative analysis between the Dewey Decimal Classification – DDC and the Universal Decimal Classification – UDC identifying advantages and disadvantages of both so that we can provide a breakdown of the classification systems mentioned, establishing a general parameter that enables a proper understanding of usage for informational centers. The second research goals can be characterized as analytical, where the data collection and methodological procedures took place from a literature search, relating to professional practice librarian, the usability of systems in the centers as well as its informational representation in information retrieval. So that we could achieve the purpose set out in the study resorted to readings of Piety (1983), Lake (2009), Souza (2010) among others.
Authors and Affiliations
Lucas Veras de Andrade| UESPI, Dayane Bruna| UESPI, Weslayne Nunes de Sales| UESPI
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