Classification of a Child’s Special Needs in the Context of a Systematic Approach
Journal Title: Проблеми сучасної психології: збірник наукових праць - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 42
The social development of the state is connected with the solution of a number of acute social problems, among which the socialization of children with special needs is extremely important. The special needs of the child are deter- © Ірина Кучманич, Людмила Опанасенко Проблеми сучасної психології. 2018. Випуск 42 71 mined by social, physical and emotional vulnerability and, as a consequence, the need for special attention and services to enable their potential development. Despite the large number of works devoted to the study of various aspects of the life of children with special needs, it should be stated that in modern scientific researches there is neither systematic classification of the special needs of children, nor their essence disclosure. In the article it is proposed the classification of special needs in the context of the system approach by studying the interaction of the child (as a component of the system) with other systems of different levels and a brief description of them. It is found that at the level of interaction «child – family» (microsystem) it is possible to distinguish the following needs of the child, such as: the need for the presence of one another; need for adoption by parents and siblings; the need for constant emotional support. The needs of the level of interaction «child – the closest environment» (mesosystem) include: the need for adoption; need for self-affirmation; need for qualified medical assistance; need for psychological support. A group of needs actualized by the interaction of «child – out-of-family social institutions» (exosystem) consists in: the need for health care; need for social protection; need for education; material needs. The needs of the level of interaction «child-society» (macrosystem) include: the need for a tolerant attitude of society; need for economic and political support. It is established that the specific needs of children are determined by the lack of personal resources for optimal physical and social and psychological development. The proposed classification will help to determine the means of social support for the identified social category at different levels of interaction with the social environment
Authors and Affiliations
Iryna Kuchmanych, Lіudmyla Opanasenko
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