Clusters in the system of region innovations


Transformations in the world economy towards the economy based on know-how result in the situation where innovations are listed among the most important elements which give momentum to growth, especially in the age of sudden process changes and globalisation of competition which are noticeable. However, certain conducive conditions have to be present for innovations to come into existence. One of them is the region, its resources, including know-how and internal potential. The important role of the region in production of innovation and its spreading to other regions causes the need of strengthening its significance, as regions may faster and more effectively build mechanisms supporting growth, creating and diffusion and absorption of innovations. Effective implementation of innovative solutions is determined with fruitful cooperation of the entities operating in the region: producers of innovation (science, R&D), recipients of innovation (business) and institutions which determine the policy in the region (public administration). These entities and the system of interdependencies and connections between them are referred to as the Regional System of Innovations (RSI). The activities and interdependencies of the RSI entities should be developed in such a way that its functioning could affect the effective, long-term growth of the region. The entities within RSI include a cluster structure in which transfer of know-how and technology is fastest and is achieved with geographical closeness of the entities representing both industry and science (networking and interpersonal contacts).

Authors and Affiliations

Jolanta Stanienda


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How To Cite

Jolanta Stanienda (2011). Clusters in the system of region innovations. Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie, 19(2), 155-165.