Journal Title: Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego - Year 1992, Vol 19, Issue 2


In Poland, during 1990 and ~he beginning of 1991, two basic options of coastal management were discussed. One - to give all responsibility for coastal management and protection to the local communities, and the other to make the State through the Maritime Offices responsible for coastal protection and management of a narrow coastal belt. The final result of the discussion was incorporated in the new Act of Parliament, On the Sea Areas of Poland and on Maritime Administration which came in force on July 1-st 1991. The Act establishes a , coastal belt, and:, The coastal belt comprises:1) the technical belt - which is the zone of interaction of sea andland; it is an area set apart for maintaining the coast in appro -priate state according to requirements of safety and environmentalprotection,2) the protective belt - which covers the area in which humanactivity has direct influence on the state of the technical belt.The Act makes the maritime administration responsible for coastal protection and management of the technical belt, giving it also some influence over the neighbouring protective belt and also areas lying further inland.The paper presents the former state of coastal management, the philosophy lying at the basis of the adopted solution and some of its details, and required directions of further research and legal work. Also a general overview of the state of the Polish coastal zone is given from the point of view of coastal protection.

Authors and Affiliations

Andrzej Cieslak


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How To Cite

Andrzej Cieslak (1992). COASTAL MANAGEMENT IN POLAND: THE COASTAL PROTECTION ASPECT. Biuletyn Instytutu Morskiego, 19(2), 67-83.