Comparative analysis of colour change measurement devices in textile industry
Journal Title: Bulletin of the Military University of Technology - Year 2014, Vol 63, Issue 3
In the paper there is presented a trial of application of new measurement principle of colour change with the use of DigiEye device. Comparison of DigiEye with commonly use in the textile industry spectrophotometer Macbeth 2020 was an aim of determination of relationship between parameters of both measurement systems. Samples for the colour change assessment on both measurement systems were first aged in the Xenotest 150. Ageing process was done according to the method of blues scale. Results were obtained by the colour measurement devices before and after the ageing test each releasing the diaphragms during exposing the examined samples on the light. Result of colour change were obtained in the colour system CIE L*a*b*. The measurements were done for PES fabrics destined on the outer layers of clothing. [b]Keywords[/b]: textiles, spectrophotometer, colorimeter [b][/b]
Authors and Affiliations
Paulina Gilewicz , Joanna Rutowicz , Iwona Frydrych, Agnieszka Cichocka
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