Comparative Examination of The Concepts of "Master" and "Trainer" In Sixteenth Century Şu'arâ Tezkire
Journal Title: International Journal of Langauges' Education and Teaching - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 3
The French and American schools, which are two essential orientations of comparative literature, limit their studies to supra-national research, while the new postmodern attitude argues that these studies can be conducted by comparing works in the same language. This study compares and examines the concepts of master and trainer in the sixteenth century şu'arâ tezkire’s (biographical collections of poets) following the postmodern attitude. Poet tezkires (biographies) are a form of biography. In the sixteenth century poet tezkires mostly included poets' place of birth, name, nickname, educational status, occupation or position, their primary teachers, important changes in their lives, death, if known, date of death, place of their graves, assessments about their literary situation, their works and examples of their works. The biographers emphasize these two concepts persistently while evaluating the poets’ literary personalities. Mastery and being a trainer include competencies in other fields along with knowledge of and skills in poetry. The biographers do not evaluate the value of a poet only as a poet, but also consider their qualifications in mastery and being a trainer. Sometimes those who have these qualifications are called master, but sometimes they are defined with the descriptive statements such as, "devrânun ferzâne vü ferîdi ve zamânun yegâne vü vâhidi olmışdur.” This attitude shows that the evaluations of poets are not only limited to the skills of master and trainer, but also include their influences on the period, the literary understanding of the period and the system of values.
Authors and Affiliations
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