Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2011, Vol 59, Issue 11
The concept of competitiveness has no widely accepted definition and not yet developed a comprehensive model to formalize its content. Current status of research in the field of competitiveness sidestep to conceptual disputes. National competitiveness is estimated by most experts as the ability to provide public economy on a sustainable basis, higher living standards and growing.
Authors and Affiliations
The Inflation (Consumer Prices) Evolution
An important element to consider when evaluating the economic evolution of a country over a period of time consists of the way the consumer prices developed, both on an overall basis and by groups of goods and services,...
Involvement of the Top Management in the Progess of the Organizational Culture of a Successful Company
The most visible side of the organizational culture includes artificial physical products, behavioural artificial products, verbal artificial products, heroes, actors and prospects offered to the members of an organizati...
Characteristics of the Public and Private Property Right
The national law contains provisions for both public property and private property. Public property belongs to the state or public administration units. Public property is also named state property. The definition of the...
Inflaţia prin Indicii Preţurilor de Producţie – factor predictor pentru inflaţia prin Indicii Preţurilor de Consum? Cazul României
Evaluarea în timp a Indicilor Prețurilor de Consum este una din cele mai utilizate metode de analiză a inflației, pe care populația o are la îndemână și o percepe cel mai ușor cu privire la evoluția prețurilor bunurilor...
Caracteristici ale procesului educaţional din domeniul primar şi gimnazial
Conform reglementărilor şi politicilor europene şi internaţionale, accesul la educaţie este un drept fundamental. Convenţia Naţiunilor Unite privind drepturile copilului garantează dreptul la educaţie, asigurat tuturor c...