Comprehensive Assessment of the Natural and Economic Potential of Ukraine's Sustainable Development: The Methodology of the Formation
Journal Title: Oblik i finansi - Year 2021, Vol 1, Issue 4
Overcoming destructive changes in the processes of transformation of the natural resource use of territorial communities requires the development of new approaches aimed at ensuring a balance of interests and effective interaction between the authorities, business, and the state in the field of environmental management. An urgent task is to form an updated systemic organization of spatial natural and economic formations to implement integrated management of the natural resource potential of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to substantiate the methodology of a system-integrated assessment of the natural and economic potential of Ukraine in the context of sustainable development. The methodological basis of the research is the subject-object method. The dialectical method of applying economic laws, analysis, synthesis, economic-statistical, monographic, and abstract-logical methods was used to generalize the results obtained. Ways of solving the problems of transforming the model of state influence on the modernization processes of public-private forms of ensuring sustainable development of territories were proposed. It will allow finding a balance in the structure of resource management, in the plane of the spatial organization of natural economic activity. The authors focus on forming management systems at the lower territorial level. The updated, by modern requirements, methodology for assessing the efficiency of using the space of economic activity has been substantiated. It has been proved that an actual result can be achieved when considering three fundamental regularities of ensuring the efficiency of production and economic, interregional and intersectoral interaction of regional social, economic, and ecological systems. These study results are the basis for forming a systemic and universal concept of the transition of Ukraine and its regions to sustainable development in conditions of resource constraints and the constant strengthening of social, political, military, environmental, and economic threats and risks.
Authors and Affiliations
Mykhailo Khvesyk & Hanna Obykhod & Yuliia Khvesyk & Miroslaw Wasilewski
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