Comunicarea în mediul online și impactul său social în incidentul de la Colectiv
Journal Title: Sfera Politicii - Year 2016, Vol 24, Issue 1
The present study is based on needs - action paradigm, showing the causal role of youth needs: cognitive and social needs in the online communication. In Collective case, social networks are becoming the main source of information for Romanians who want to know in real time about the tragedy and mobilizations details surrounding this incident. Research is structured on two levels: one aimed at addressing theoretical background of online communication, and other that analyzes Facebook as main engine for transmission of information, a genuine press center in the Collective drama, but also as an accelerator of social and political events.
Authors and Affiliations
Anița Grigoriu
Migrație și Integrare. Fenomenul imigraţionist și impactul programelor de integrare asupra resortisanţilor ţărilor terţe în România
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Review of: Sandu Frunză, Publicitatea și administrația publică sub presiunea eticii Iași: Lumen, 2015, 252 pages, ISBN 978-973-166-399-9