Conceptosphere «Interne o of smart things» and its philosophical meaning
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 7
The article investigates the mechanisms of appearance of Conceptosphere «Interne o of smart things». Presented the understanding of processes of concepts’ transfer from the mental plane of human in the cultural space. The study points to the importance of mental plan` evolution for transformation human` cognitive transformative practice. Such phenomenon of technology as IoT, formed a new mental environment – conceptosphere «IoT», which is essential for the formation of human mental plane. Conceptosphere «IoT» has influence in all spheres of human activity: science, technology, culture, medicine, economics, life and more. Conceptosphere «Iot» along with the technosphere IoT is characterized with autopoiesis and autonomy.
Authors and Affiliations
Y. Omelchenko
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